Stardom: Hollywood Wiki

This goal follows Friend of a Friend if you did not tell Chet about George Spieler

People Involved

  • Agent


After speaking to Spieler, your agent will call you when the script is ready

  • Task Wait for call; film After the War


After the War
(Property of Headley Studio)

Line 1: A lot has changed since the war...

Line 2: Except my love for you.

Time: Time1 24 Hours
Genre: Romantic Romance
Energy Used: Energy?
Blue Stars: BlueStar?

That's a Wrap!

(You are rewarded based on the number of stars you score)

5 Star Rating: Cash+11713 XP+300 Star+1
4 Star Rating: Cash+7815 XP+240

Goal Rewards

Cash+319 XP+140

Following Goal

Give a Spiel
